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Mission & Philosophy


Delta Charter Online (DCO) will recognize the value of each student, shall strive to inspire students to learn and grow to their potential by:

  • Creating and delivering an innovative, high quality State Standards-focused educational program through a positive learning experience
  • Augmenting independent study with academic, personal enrichment, and remediation classes
  • Working in partnership with the home and community to meet the individual needs of the students; and, 

  • Developing the learning and social skills necessary for maximizing lifelong learning potential that elicits young people's innate love of learning, builds self-confidence, and prepares students for future educational paths and career pursuits.


Delta Charter Schools, recognizing the intrinsic value of each student, are committed to providing a quality, diverse education in a personalized, safe, and supportive learning environment which inspires students to learn and grow to their potential.

News & Departments

School Calendar, Links, & Event Flyers